How Developmental Aid Flows Around the Globe
The U.S. is the number one developmental aid donor, with $21.787 million donated. The second-largest developmental aid donor is Germany, with $12.291 million donated. The third-largest developmental aid donor in the world is France, donating $9.884 million. The fourth-largest developmental aid donor is the U.K., donating $9.849 million. The fifth-largest aid donor is Japan, with $7.679 million in donations. This considers only donations by countries. The European Communitys donations, $11.774 billion, would otherwise be at number two on the list.
The top recipient of aid from the U.S. is Iraq, receiving $4.266 billion. Number two is Afghanistan with $1.459 billion. Number three is Sudan, with $725 million. Number four is Colombia with $562 million. Number five is Egypt with $541 million. Number six is The Democratic Republic of Congo, with $486 million. Number seven is Pakistan with $465 million. Number eight is Nigeria, with $414 million. Number nine is Ethiopia with $344 million. Number 10 is Kenya, with $304 million.
The Top 20 Recipients of Developmental Aid
The top recipient of developmental aid is Iraq, with $9.115 billion in donations. Number two is Afghanistan, with $3.951 billion in donations received. Number three is Tanzania, with $2.811 billion received in donations. Number four is Vietnam, with $2.497 billion in donations. Number five is Ethiopia, with $2.422 billion in donations. Number six is Pakistan, with $2.212 billion in aid received. Number seven is Sudan, with $2.104 billion in aid received. Number eight is Nigeria, with $2.042 billion in donations received. Number nine is Cameroon, with donations of $1.933 billion received. Number 10 is Palestine, with $1.868 billion in donations received.
Number 11 is Mozambique, with $1.777 billion in aid received. Number 12 is Uganda, receiving $1.728 billion in aid. Number 13 is Bangladesh, with $1.502 billion in donations received. Number 14 is China, receiving $1.439 billion in aid. Number 15 is India, with $1.298 billion in aid received. Number 16 is Kenya, receiving $1.275 billion in donations. Number 18 is Ghana, with donations of $1.151 billion received. Number 19 is Morocco, with $1.090 billion in aid received. Number 20 is Egypt, with $1.083 billion received in donations.