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How Developmental Aid Flows Around The Globe

Map of how millions of financial aid dollars flow around the world. Includes the top twenty recipients and top five donors.
How Developmental Aid Flows Around the Globe

The U.S. is the number one developmental aid donor, with $21.787 million donated. The second-largest developmental aid donor is Germany, with $12.291 million donated. The third-largest developmental aid donor in the world is France, donating $9.884 million. The fourth-largest developmental aid donor is the U.K., donating $9.849 million. The fifth-largest aid donor is Japan, with $7.679 million in donations. This considers only donations by countries. The European Community’s donations, $11.774 billion, would otherwise be at number two on the list.

The top recipient of aid from the U.S. is Iraq, receiving $4.266 billion. Number two is Afghanistan with $1.459 billion. Number three is Sudan, with $725 million. Number four is Colombia with $562 million. Number five is Egypt with $541 million. Number six is The Democratic Republic of Congo, with $486 million. Number seven is Pakistan with $465 million. Number eight is Nigeria, with $414 million. Number nine is Ethiopia with $344 million. Number 10 is Kenya, with $304 million.

The Top 20 Recipients of Developmental Aid

The top recipient of developmental aid is Iraq, with $9.115 billion in donations. Number two is Afghanistan, with $3.951 billion in donations received. Number three is Tanzania, with $2.811 billion received in donations. Number four is Vietnam, with $2.497 billion in donations. Number five is Ethiopia, with $2.422 billion in donations. Number six is Pakistan, with $2.212 billion in aid received. Number seven is Sudan, with $2.104 billion in aid received. Number eight is Nigeria, with $2.042 billion in donations received. Number nine is Cameroon, with donations of $1.933 billion received. Number 10 is Palestine, with $1.868 billion in donations received.

Number 11 is Mozambique, with $1.777 billion in aid received. Number 12 is Uganda, receiving $1.728 billion in aid. Number 13 is Bangladesh, with $1.502 billion in donations received. Number 14 is China, receiving $1.439 billion in aid. Number 15 is India, with $1.298 billion in aid received. Number 16 is Kenya, receiving $1.275 billion in donations. Number 18 is Ghana, with donations of $1.151 billion received. Number 19 is Morocco, with $1.090 billion in aid received. Number 20 is Egypt, with $1.083 billion received in donations.


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