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Zimbabweans flee fresh SA xenophobic attacks.

At least 28 Zimbabweans have sought refuge at a South African police station while hundreds others are reported missing after fleeing xenophobic attacks in Limpopo province.

A Zimbabwean, Godfrey Sibanda was stoned to death by rowdy youths led by ANC councilor Tebogo Mojapilo in the provincial capital of Polokwane last week.

Twelve suspects including Mr Mojapilo were arrested after several houses belonging to the Zimbabweans were torched.

Mr Mojapelo and his accomplices will appear in court on August 16 for trial.

A committee made up of stakeholders including the United Nations Human Rights Commission and South African police has been set up to look into the plight of the Zimbabweans.

“With the assistance of the Limpopo provincial government we have come up with a task team to investigate and work towards finding a solution to the problems facing foreign nationals in the city,” Mr Alphens Mabina, a member of the committee told Zimbabwe’s state owned Herald newspaper.

“We are actually surprised by such an act. We didn’t expect such unruly behavior considering that we are all Africans and this place is for all who want to live in it.

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